Friday, August 12, 2011

I'm Back!/The Dark Knight Rises

hello there, i haven't done this in a while. i have been lazy. anyways, i have been gathering my thoughts on different things. first off, the dark knight rises. chris nolan is going balls to the wall with this movie. it is going to be fucking epic. and i mean epic. first off, you have bane (done right), catwoman played by anne hathaway, and the batwing! batman will certainly have met his match with bane. in the comics, bane is powered by the super-steroid venom, which is his greatest strength and weakness. it gives him super strengh, and nigh invincibility. but also it has had a negative effect on his body, essentially making his body frail. but this version of bane seems to be associated with the league of shadows, with its leader ra's al ghul, recruiting him when he was a child. and the mask he is seen to wear in the spy photos online, seems to be the source of his power, venom, in an aerosol form. second, as known in the teaser, batman hasnt been fighting crime in gotham. he's been in hiding from the manhunt commissioner gordon has been leading against him. also, another apparent vigilante in the form of anne hathaways' catwoman, has risen in batmans' absence. third, when he returns, gotham is in disarray.

TO BE CONTINUED..................

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